Matrix of forgotten effects in the financial context of banks and cooperatives in Ecuador at the time of investment

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Yanice Ordóñez Parra
Stella Lucín Veliz
Geovanny Zamora Zamora
Paula Villalpando Cadena


Financial institutions serve as entities that provide services to families, businesses and government agencies. The objective of the research is to determine the optimal investment strategy for the stakeholders. Therefore, two techniques of data collection and detailed analysis were employed by calculating correlations and least squares estimations. Concomitantly, an expert approach using fuzzy logic was used to identify the best financial strategy. This comprehensive methodology identified financial patterns, providing accurate recommendations for decision making and boosting the Ecuadorian financial sector. This approach laid the groundwork for effective and central strategies such as simplifying contact channels and efficiently optimizing the time invested in the processes, channeling them towards the continuous improvement of the financial sector and offering better benefits to users.


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How to Cite
Ordóñez Parra, Y., Lucín Veliz, S., Zamora Zamora, G., & Villalpando Cadena, P. (2025). Matrix of forgotten effects in the financial context of banks and cooperatives in Ecuador at the time of investment. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 9(1), 77–96.


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