Labor competencies and their impact on the performance of the personnel of the parochial GADS of the province of Santa Elena
Main Article Content
The objective of this article is to evaluate the incidence of labor competencies play a fundamental role in the performance of personnel in the parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments (GAD) of the province of Santa Elena. Several techniques and tools were used to analyze how technical, social and personal skills influence the quality and efficiency of the services offered by these institutions. The study used descriptive research through the desegregation of variables, which also allowed for a situational diagnosis, and correlational research through the analysis of indicators to analyze the variables of interest. Data collection was carried out through a survey of parish government officials to identify gaps in competencies and their relationship with the fulfillment of organizational objectives. Significant deficiencies were identified in the design of training programs and in the periodic evaluation of performance, which limits the integral development of personnel and negatively affects productivity levels. Consequently, it is proposed to implement a management model based on competencies, including continuous training processes and evaluation mechanisms.
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