Excess of public procurement in emergency situations

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Karina Moreno


The general objective of this research was focused on carrying out an analysis related to the overreaching of public procurement in emergency situations, taking into consideration that in this type of contexts multiple procurements are carried out in which the law allows a de-formalization of the usual requirements for the purpose of purchasing goods and services to ensure the main needs of the population. In order to comply with the purpose of this research, a methodology based on a legal, economic and financial legal analysis was chosen, linked to the overreaching of public procurement in emergency situations. The results of the research allowed us to determine that in emergency situations, in most cases the de-formalization of contracting requirements, instead of benefiting the acts to be carried out in a better way, lead to acts of corruption, since public officials end up awarding contracts to people close to them for their own benefit.


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How to Cite
Moreno , K. (2025). Excess of public procurement in emergency situations. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 9(1), 62–76. https://doi.org/10.37956/jbes.v9i1.386


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