Endomarketing for Leadership and Optimisation of Results in Human Talent Management. Financial Sector of Honduras-2024
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Organizational competitiveness moves senior management to redirect their strategies to levels of excellence, emphasizing what was once secondary, in this context we talk about the human factor as the key piece that sustains business vitality through its physical and intellectual effort. The objective of this article is to elucidate the methodology applied with a view to obtaining results on the perceptions of employees working in the Honduran financial sector on the processes applied in Human Talent Management, leadership style, optimization of results and Endomarketing programs, for this, a questionnaire of 66 items was designed, applied to a sample of 376 participants selected through random sampling. The results suggest that, despite the existence of a positive and strong correlation between Endomarketing and the variables under study, on a day-to-day basis the efforts reflected are perceived in partial terms, by those actors whose approval of workplace welfare programs is limited by difficulties in communication, work environment, equity and opportunity for all among others. However, it is true that the objectives are met, but their scope projects a medium level of satisfaction.
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