A comparative study of rice export levels before and during dollarization 1980-2020

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Jorge Wilson Flores Rodríguez
Jorge Washington Encalada Noboa
Angie Yohan Larrosa Larrosa
Daisy Priscila Criollo Rocohano


This research focuses on a comparative study between the levels of rice exports before and during dollarization, corresponding to the years 1980-2020; thus, the information from the World Bank, Central Bank of Ecuador and SENAE is used as a data base, which eventually leads us to a non-experimental research with a quantitative approach and through the t-test was able to determine the existence of a significant change in rice exports before and during dollarization. On the other hand, the coefficient of determination allows us to appreciate that with dollarization there is a 10% incidence between price and export levels, as well as establishing that during this stage, the dependence on international relations and the high production costs influence the degree of competitiveness of the price of rice.


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How to Cite
Flores Rodríguez, J. W., Encalada Noboa, J. W., Larrosa Larrosa, A. Y., & Criollo Rocohano, D. P. (2023). A comparative study of rice export levels before and during dollarization 1980-2020. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.37956/jbes.v7i2.329


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