Some preponderant Psychological rasgos in the young that enters the top education

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Rogelio Bermúdez Sarguera
Lidia Patricia Estrella Acencio
Alexandra Huerta Cruz
Alba Heras Cordero


This article focuses on one of the significant problems in the formation of the professional future, it refers to the psychological characteristics inherent in the person entering higher education. The objective is to demonstrate that, the young people who are going to higher education cannot yet perform task that fall on students of higher courses, both for the difficulty levels and for the traits that characterize him. The theoretical method used is analytical -synthetic, in order to focus the psychological phenomena of youth personality with the learning of professional knowledge and skills required by the curricular platform during the first two semesters of the Career. In conclusion, higher education should be limited to sensitive periods that, in educational terms, have been set by psychological and pedagogical research for the young person studying in the first year of the Children’s Education Career.


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How to Cite
Bermúdez Sarguera, R., Estrella Acencio, L. P., Huerta Cruz, A., & Heras Cordero, A. (2020). Some preponderant Psychological rasgos in the young that enters the top education. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 4(1).


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