The administrative process: A business management tool for the sustainability of micro-businesses in Sucre- Manabí
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This research is part of the results of the training project "Sustainable Entrepreneurship" from the educational practice to strengthen the professional and organizational activity, ULEAM Sucre", which among one of its approaches is to diagnose the current situation of enterprises in the area. This research was carried out with the objective of analyzing the administrative process of the micro businesses located in the Cesar Rupertti Dueñas avenue of the Leónidas Plaza parish, Sucre - Manabí, to know its incidence in their business management and to obtain true information that allows the understanding and development of the present one. In order to end the administrative misinformation by small traders and / or entrepreneurs in the locality, thus managing to stay in the labor market, generate employment for others and promote economic growth in the country. Therefore, a qualitative-quantitative research was carried out through a descriptive study, since it identifies elements and characteristics of the problem, with the application of the deductive method and the survey research technique, which were of great help in gathering information. As a result, most of the owners of the microbusinesses have defined their objectives, half of them have a control of income and expenses, few have an accounting system and inventory, and almost all have the corresponding permit . In short, it shows that most of the small business owners have not yet defined the goals to be achieved, which does not ensure that the effort made throughout the process was worthwhile. It should be emphasized that to devise and improve the sales plan of a business to achieve economic growth, which all entrepreneurs seek, more knowledge and prior training is needed.
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