Tik Tok as a political communication tool in Jorge Yunda's campaign for mayor of Quito in Ecuador 2023
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The correct use to disseminate government plans in the social network Tik Tok generates an impact of influence that we will address in this research that focused on Ecuadorian politics specifically in the city of Quito, in which we analyzed the use of TikTok as a political communication tool in the campaign of Jorge Yunda for mayor during the campaign of January and February 2023. A qualitative methodology was applied, in which observation and interview techniques were developed, and a quantitative one, applying a survey to a non-probabilistic sample of young people between 18 and 29 years old in the city of Quito. The results highlight that Yunda's account focuses on political content, mixed with humor and history that crucially underlines the use of this social network as a political tool to build effective links between candidate and citizens, taking advantage of its ability to create shocking and easily consumed content, as well as the affinity that the politician has with the audiences, taking advantage of the duration of the videos that is crucial in the era of fast information and the short attention span of users.
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