Merchandising strategies and their influence on shopper marketing in the modern channel in the north of the city of Guayaquil

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Alex Rendón Alin
Diana Yánez Guerrero
David Toscano Alin


Strategies are important in all businesses, generally in the wholesale channels where they use each tool to develop actions and sell the different products, their categories and services, so a series of studies must be carried out in order to determine the preferences, preferences, environments and, above all, the consumption and consumer behavior of the consumer and thus establish the factors that influence their decision with merchandising tools in order to influence the shopper market. However, it must be clear that this type of strategy is focused on the point of sale, and serves to revalue it, becoming the ideal setting for the purchase decision to be able to win and not lose buyers by providing the right information inducing them to be driven to that they can acquire through their consumption habits generating a link and direct relationship with the buyer or consumer.


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Rendón Alin, A., Yánez Guerrero, D., & Toscano Alin, D. (2024). Merchandising strategies and their influence on shopper marketing in the modern channel in the north of the city of Guayaquil. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 8(2).


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