Strategic Optimization 2022: Impact of Organizational Management on the Operational Performance of the Returns Department, Exporters of Goods, Zone 5 of the SRI

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Grace Elizabeth Barragan Loayza
Oscar Fabian Moncayo Carreño
Irma Gardenia Ortega Tapia


The basic objective of this study is to focus on VAT refunds for merchandise exporters and improve documentation processes in the refunds department. This aspect will not only promote the competitiveness of domestic products in the international market, but also strengthen the efficiency of Tax Zone 5 in 2022. The objective of the study is to analyze the impact of organizational management on the operational performance of the returns department. A comprehensive diagnosis of compliance with the VAT refund procedure is carried out, evaluating compliance with the established deadlines and verifying the applicability of the procedure. Additionally, the effectiveness and efficiency of the sector will be evaluated and the impact on the operations of the merchandise exporting sector will be determined. The research will be carried out at the aforementioned address of the Internal Revenue Declarations Office in Babahoyo, Los Ríos. The study population includes all servers of the returns department of Zone 5. Field and descriptive research approaches use inductive, deductive and analytical techniques. Tools include observation guides and questionnaires, supported by graphs and tables for data analysis. In addition, a timeline and budget have been established to effectively carry out the research.


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How to Cite
Barragan Loayza, G. E., Moncayo Carreño, O. F., & Ortega Tapia, I. G. (2024). Strategic Optimization 2022: Impact of Organizational Management on the Operational Performance of the Returns Department, Exporters of Goods, Zone 5 of the SRI. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 8(1).


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