Using flipped classroom in learning: A systematic review

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Rosa Quispe Llamoca
Cinthya Virginia Soto Hidalgo
Jesús Emilio Agustín Padilla Caballero
Jenny María Ruiz Salazar


The flipped classroom is an innovative methodology that has been implemented in higher education which promotes the active participation of students in their teaching-learning process. This situation generates the need to know the influence of the use of the flipped classroom on learning. Objective. Analyze the scientific production of the Scopus database in the last 10 years to determine the influence of flipped classroom use on learning. Materials and methods. A systematic, descriptive and introspective review study with a sample of 30 articles developed in the last 10 years. Results. It was identified that the country that publishes the most on the subject under study is the United Kingdom, as well as the majority of publications are in the English language and are located in quartile 2 according to Scimago Journal Rank. Conclusión. The flipped classroom is a methodology that influences learning since various studies showed that students developed an active and autonomous participation in their learning and even in some cases commitment, motivation and the development of mathematical and digital skills were achieved.


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How to Cite
Quispe Llamoca, R. ., Soto Hidalgo , C. V. ., Padilla Caballero , J. E. A. ., & Ruiz Salazar, J. M. . (2022). Using flipped classroom in learning: A systematic review. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie. Retrieved from


Uso del Aula invertida en el aprendizaje: Una Revisión Sistemática

Using flipped classroom in learning: A systematic review

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