Digital Learning: Systemic review in Latin America, Spain, Mexico and USA
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Introduction. According to CEPAL-UNESCO, 1,600 million students around the world left the classroom and the need arises to migrate to an education mediated by technology that enables the construction of meaningful, verifiable, coherent, applicable, transferable and useful digital learning through systems. educational digital with a human face, favoring development of digital macro skills for life. Objective. Systematically review the scientific literature and carry out a state of the art on digital learning (DA) in Scopus, Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo and Latindex databases in times of global health emergency (2020-2021). Materials and methods. Drafting managers, applications, software, heuristics and hermeneutics are used for the conceptualization of new categories for AD. Results. From 40 selected articles and countries, two blocks were formed. Finding that the first block made up of Spain and the US have contributed research at exploratory levels on AD. The second block is made up of Latin America and the Caribbean with minimal production over AD. Conclusion. We are NOT ready for digital learning and we need to consciously and prepared migrate to technology-mediated education, where education has a human face through digital teaching.
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