Quality education: Perspective of the South American countries about Educational Quality

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Freddy Antonio Ochoa Tataje
Jeidy Panduro-Ramirez
Joel Alanya-Beltran
Luz Betsy Quispe Yapu


Introduction. Educational Quality involves the search for a process of change or constant improvement in an educational institution in order to ensure that  students, teachers, parents, the community or society are satisfied with the services provided; However, each region or country perceives the educational quality in their institutions from different perspectives. Objective. Identify the perspectives, the relevant known, unknown and controversial aspects about educational quality in educational institutions in different countries. Materials and methods. It is a descriptive review study of scientific articles in SCIELO and REDALYC databases between 2020 and 2021. Results. A final sample of 20 articles was obtained, which evidenced the identification of various perspectives related to educational quality. Conclusion. The studies analyzed provided a vision of educational quality in South American countries, most of which were related to the importance of teacher participation in ensuring that the institution has a high level of quality.


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How to Cite
Ochoa Tataje, F. A. ., Panduro-Ramirez, J., Alanya-Beltran, J., & Quispe Yapu, L. B. . (2021). Quality education: Perspective of the South American countries about Educational Quality. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie. https://doi.org/10.37956/jbes.v0i0.221

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