Journal of Business and entrepreneurial
October - December Vol. 7 - 4 - 2023
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
Receipt: September 1, 2023
Approval: 19 September 2023
Page 130-140
Impact of eco-friendly products on consumer
behavior in the city of Guayaquil
Social media as a means of communication and marketing
in neighborhood stores, Guayaquil
Gustavo La Mota Terranova
Karla Borja Robles
Mayra Aguirre Saavedra
This paper presents a research conducted in the city
of guayaquil on the impact of eco-friendly products
on consumer behavior, with the objective of defining
the impact, knowledge and acceptance of eco-
friendly products by consumers in the city of
guayaquil, for which we sought to identify the
variables that influence the decision process and
purchase of eco-friendly products, determine the
current status of eco-friendly practices and their
knowledge by consumers and analyze the willingness
of consumers to change their consumption habits in
favor of eco-friendly products, For this purpose, a
survey of 385 people in the city of guayaquil was
conducted to establish the degree of knowledge,
preference and perception of the impact that
consumers have of eco-friendly products. The results
finally show an important preference of consumers
towards this type of products, considering positive
their impact on the market and the need to consider
the environmental impact of the different products
Master's Degree in Marketing, Mention in Digital Management,
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Guayaquil
* University Master's Degree in Business Management, Escuela Superior
Politécnica del Litoral
* Banking and Finance Management Engineer, Instituto Superior
Tecnologico Guayaquil
e-ISSN: 2576-0971. October - December Vol. 7 - 4 - 2023 .
as a key value of the companies; consumers with
greater environmental knowledge are those who had
the intention to purchase products with eco-friendly
Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Eco friendly,
environmental practices, ecological products,
Purchase Decision.
Keywords: Consumer behavior, Social Media,
neighborhood stores, Covid-19, Social Networks.
In recent years, most consumers have shown interest and concern for the environmental
problems existing in the world, which has prompted them to consume products and
services that are less harmful to both health and the environment, i.e. green consumption
is part of their purchase decision, without leaving some aspects such as price, brand,
place, and promotion, which facilitate differentiation from the competition. (Estrada
Dominguez et al., 2020).In turn, these activities are included in green marketing, which
is part of the added value of products and services offered to the market, the less
environmental impact the products and services have, the greater competitive advantage
they generate. (Maldonado Ordoñez and Villavicencio Rodas, 2022).
The ecological trend presented by companies has been in constant growth, which in turn
generates strong relationships between the consumer and the company, this is also
reflected in the increase of consumers who demand ecological products. (Lastra Bravo
and Cabanilla V, 2020). The main objective of this study was to determine the impact,
knowledge and acceptance of eco-friendly products by consumers in the city of
guayaquil, for which we sought to identify the variables that influence the decision
process and purchase of eco-friendly products, determine the current status of eco-
friendly practices and their knowledge by consumers and analyze the willingness of
consumers to change their consumption habits in favor of eco-friendly products.
This research focuses on the use, acceptance and valuation of eco-friendly products, in
order to determine the impact and degree of knowledge of consumers in Guayaquil
towards this type of products, which from their conception seek to reduce the
environmental impact, produced by various factors such as global warming or
e-ISSN: 2576-0971. October - December Vol. 7 - 4 - 2023 .
environmental pollution, These have increasingly alarming results due to environmental
factors such as pollution of rivers and oceans, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, increased
natural disasters, damage to the ozone layer, overconsumption of non-renewable
resources, etc.
Due to all these factors, many companies have created eco-friendly products, which are
defined as all types of products that during the manufacturing or production process
follow strict processes that mitigate the impact on the environment and living beings.
Various practices can be considered eco-friendly such as using recycled materials,
decreasing waste production, not using products that are toxic to the environment, that
are biodegradable or recyclable among other effective strategies. (Royal Cartton, 2017)
There are many consumers who have preferences when choosing eco-friendly products,
especially among young people, and due to this type of factors, many brands and large
companies have incorporated eco-friendly strategies in their product development,
generating great acceptance by consumers with respect to the products, even within the
advertising and communication strategies this has become a fundamental pillar of the
promotion of companies.
(Martinez Castillo, 2010) indicates that the preservation and care of the environment
generally begins by making people aware of the environment and resources that it has,
in recent years there has been a better relationship between the consumer and the
company product of the ecological trends of the companies, so promoting a culture of
care for the environment promotes and intensifies the relationship of purchase by
consumers. (Cardona Bedoya, Riaño Cuevas, & Vaca Gonzalez, 2017).
The change that has been generated over the years in the environment is a fact that for
governments and companies represents a problem, because around the world, climate
change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, water scarcity, deforestation, bad waste
disposal, global warming and considerable damage to the ozone layer are the type of
problems that lead to the creation of eco-friendly products, this given the high levels of
consumption and industrialization that began since the industrial revolution, (Mendoza
Montesdeoca, Rivera Mateos, & Doumet Chilan, 2022).This is why several brands and
companies are acting immediately, in order to create and promote eco-friendly
products, and thus giving way to awareness campaigns, so that the population
appreciates more the planet earth and improve their relationship with the environment.
Nowadays, more hotels are created with ecological trends, which have activities such
as: offering ecological menus, use of solar panels, groundwater systems, generation of
energy from pedaling exercise bikes in the gym, including the use of low consumption