características del envase en la percepción visual del
consumidor sin degustar el chocolate, (ii) condición
ciego sin envase, en la cual se determinó la calidad
organoléptica de cada chocolate utilizando el índice
de calidad sensorial, (iii) y la condición reportada, se
evaluó el efecto combinado (primera y segunda fase)
determinando el nivel de satisfacción, gustos y
preferencias para finalmente medir el grado de
incidencia del diseño del empaque de los chocolates
sobre la calidad organoléptica en las cuatro marcas
utilizando el Coeficiente de Correlación de
Spearman. El grado de incidencia entre el diseño y la
calidad organoléptica con mayor significancia fue en
el chocolate Palerca en los factores de; innovación en
la forma del empaque y el aroma del chocolate (r=
0.6503), calidez en el color referente al sabor del
chocolate (r= 0.6289), y el factor calidad en la función
del color y aroma del chocolate (r= 0.6163).
Palabras clave: Chocolate, Envasado,
Agroindustria, Análisis sensorial, Agroindustria.
Packaging is constituted as a complex instrument, which in addition to containing,
preserving, and protecting the product, fulfills the function of informing the consumer
(Ciravegna, 2017); the structure of its graphic elements and its iconic, verbal, and
morphological components generate signals that are processed through cognitive and
psychological mechanisms (Cardello, 2007).
To decipher the consumer's choice is to evaluate and measure the conceptualizations
attributed to the product, whether favorable or unfavorable (Thomson et al., 2010); The
aesthetic and symbolic value for consumers starts from the appearance of a product
(Fernández & Bonillo, 2009); that is why product packaging has an important role in the
food industry, given that its role is not only to attract attention but also to generate
sensory expectations (Gunaratne et al., 2019).
Two types of stimuli are involved in the generation of sensory expectations; external
stimuli, which are those sensations perceived by the senses; and internal stimuli, which
derive from the experiences, motivations, and genetic conditions of the consumer (Ng