Journal of Business and entrepreneurial
July - September Vol. 7 - 3 - 2023
e-ISSN: 2576-0971
Receipt: 23 October 2022
Approval: 12 April 2023
Page 31-55
Industrial Safety and Occupational Health
Strategies: The Case of a Water Treatment Plant
in Ecuador
Estrategias de Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional:
Caso Planta de Potabilización de Agua en Ecuador
Jessica Cecibel López López
Roberto Andrés Alcívar Espín*
This research aims to establish strategies in Industrial
Safety and Occupational Health (SISO) using the case
study of a water treatment plant in Ecuador;
preventive activities in this area are poorly
developed, being relegated to the background for not
being considered important for production
processes, this reality is worrying because despite
the efforts made to implement a series of public
policies; the figures of accidents and incidents
indicate that it is still required to improve the SISO
systems, to ensure the life, health and integrity of
workers. The methodology used is descriptive and
correlational, applying the inductive, deductive and
analytical method, in addition to the integration of
elements and sub-elements of an Occupational Safety
and Health Management System proposed by the
Andean Instruction Regulations, Resolution 957:
2008, and the ISO 45001:2018 standard; the
population of interest was considered to be the 59
people working at the Water Treatment Plant in
Santa Elena-Ecuador, of which 24 were selected to
collect data through a survey. As a result, the
proposed strategies are on par with the ISO
45001:2018 standard, which includes all the
necessary requirements that an organization must
have to ensure the safe provision of its services,
* Ingeniera en Petróleo , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena,
* Master of Science in Agricultural Economics, Universidad Estatal
Península de Santa Elena y de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Email:,
e-ISSN: 2576-0971. July - September Vol. 7 - 3 - 2023 .
minimizing risks or accidents, and providing a safe
working environment for people.
Keywords: industrial safety, occupational health,
management system, strategies, risks, accidents,
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo establecer
estrategias en Seguridad Industrial y Salud
Ocupacional (SISO) utilizando el caso de estudio de
una planta potabilizadora de agua en Ecuador; las
actividades preventivas en esta área son poco
desarrolladas, siendo relegadas a un segundo plano
por no ser consideradas de importancia para los
procesos productivos, esta realidad es preocupante
ya que pese a los esfuerzos que se realizan, por
implementar una serie de políticas públicas; las cifras
de accidentes e incidentes indican, que aún se
requiere mejorar los sistemas SISO, tal que permitan
asegurar la vida, salud e integridad de los
trabajadores. La metodología empleada es de tipo
descriptiva y correlacional, aplicando el método
inductivo, deductivo y analítico, además de la
integración de elementos y subelementos de un
Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el
Trabajo que propone el Reglamento del Instructivo
Andino, Resolución 957: 2008, y la norma ISO
45001:2018; se consideró como población de interés
a las 59 personas que laboran en la Planta
Potabilizadora de Agua en Santa Elena-Ecuador, de
los que se seleccionó a 24 para levantar los datos a
través de una encuesta. Como resultado, las
estrategias que se proponen están a la par de la
norma ISO 45001:2018 misma que recoge todos los
requisitos necesarios con los que una organización
debe contar para garantizar que se realice una
prestación segura de sus servicios, minimizando los
riesgos o accidentes, y proporcionando un entorno
de trabajo seguro para las personas.
e-ISSN: 2576-0971. July - September Vol. 7 - 3 - 2023 .
Palabras clave: seguridad industrial, salud
ocupacional, sistema de gestión, estrategias, riesgos,
accidentes, prevención.
Occupational Safety and Health is defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO)
as a discipline that focuses on the prevention of injuries and diseases related to the
different work activities developed by human beings, as well as the protection and
promotion of workers' health, which aims to improve working conditions and the
integral well-being of workers (Quessed, 2018). Vásquez (2007) states that Occupational
Safety and Health under a broad and integrating sense that encompasses traditional
practices in relation to Industrial Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, Psychosociology
and Occupational Medicine, has not had the expected acceptance in most organizations,
due to the poor results demonstrated by such activity, which in turn has determined
that in many organizations the preventive activity is relegated to the background by not
considering it as part of productivity. The Actuarial Directorate of Research and
Statistics of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security in its closing report presented by
Hidalgo (2019), details the amounts of each of the benefits granted by the Labor Risks
Insurance at the close of 2018, among them we have: Subsidies for Temporary Disability,
where $4,012,151.45 was paid annually; likewise, the Compensation for Partial
Permanent Disability which resulted in $4,896,197.95; on the other hand, the payment
referring to Pensioners for Partial Permanent Disability was $16,542.662.38; in the same
way, the Total Permanent Disability Pensioners received a payment of $9,080,519.47;
likewise, the Absolute Permanent Disability Pensioners received a payment of
$908,379.06; in the same line, the Orphan Pensioners received $7,541,721.83 and finally,
the Widow Pensioners received a payment of $17,520,399.38.
According to the General Insurance of Labor Risks of Ecuador (SGRT) from 2013 to
2022 regarding work accidents in Ecuador, 98,210 cases have been reported in the usual
center or place of work, 35,884 going to and returning from work, 13,157 due to
commuting, 11,708 in another center or place of work and 3,148 on secondment. In the
province of St. Helena from 2013 to 2022 with respect to occupational accidents, 888
cases have been reported in the usual center or place of work, 265 going to and
returning from work, 141 by commuting during the workday, 188 in another center or
place of work and 37 on secondment (SGRT, 2022). Occupational accidents are part of
a reality of worldwide concern and despite the efforts made to implement a series of
public policies, the statistics presented and the amounts paid by IESS regarding the
benefits provided by the Occupational Risk Insurance indicate that it is still necessary to
improve the systems to ensure the life, health and integrity of workers. According to
the International Labor Organization, every day people die due to accidents or illnesses
related to their work activities, approximately 2.78 million deaths per year as described
e-ISSN: 2576-0971. July - September Vol. 7 - 3 - 2023 .
by Dumont (2020). According to Toro (2020) Ecuador has a regulatory framework for
Occupational Safety and Health made up of the Constitution, international and regional
instruments (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Andean
Instrument on Occupational Safety and Health, Resolution 584 of the Andean
Community of Nations and the Regulations to the Andean Occupational Safety and
Health Instrument, Resolution 957), agreements entered into with the International
Labor Organization, the Labor Code, Executive Decree (2393) and Legislative Decree
(assembly), ministerial agreements, the Mining Law, and various regulations, the latter of
which are currently under review.
Taking into account Cordero (2003) where he refers to Executive Decree 2393 of the
Regulation of Safety and Hygiene and Improvement of the Working Environment, based
on Art. 14.- Of the Committees of Safety and Hygiene at Work, paragraph 1. (Reformed
by Art. 5 of D.E. 4217, R.O. 997, 10-VIII-88) In every work center where more than
fifteen workers work, a Committee of Safety and Hygiene at Work must be organized.
997, 10-VIII-88) In every work center where more than fifteen workers are employed,
a Work Safety and Hygiene Committee shall be organized, composed on a parity basis
by three representatives of the workers and three representatives of the employers,
who shall appoint a president and secretary from among its members, who shall serve
for one year and may be reelected indefinitely. If the president represents the employer,
the secretary will represent the workers and vice versa. Each representative will have a
substitute elected in the same way as the incumbent and who will be the principal
representative in case of absence or impediment of the incumbent. On the other hand,
Executive Decree 2393 of the Regulation of Safety and Hygiene and Improvement of the
Work Environment, in Art. 15.- Of the Work Safety and Hygiene Unit, details in point
1 that the companies or Work Centers qualified as high risk by the Interinstitutional
Committee, which have a number of less than one hundred workers, but more than
fifty, must have a technician in safety and hygiene at work. According to the degree of
danger of the company, the Committee may require the creation of a Health and Safety
Department. Likewise, permanent companies with more than one hundred permanent
workers must have a Safety and Hygiene Unit, directed by a technician in the matter
who will report to the highest authority of the company or entity. The Ministry of Labor
through the Unified Labor System (SUT) in the health and hygiene module allows
employers within public and private companies to register the indicators related to
occupational health management, in order to prevent the occurrence of occupational
diseases. Likewise, the portal has socialized the checklists of the legal technical
requirements in occupational health and safety, which companies with 1 to 10 workers
and companies with more than 10 workers must comply with on a mandatory basis.
(Ministry of Labor, 2020). With the publication of the Regulation of the Andean
Instructions for Safety and Health at Work (RIASST) Resolution 957 RIASST (2008)