e-ISSN: 2576-0971. April - June Vol. 7 - 2 - 2023 . http://journalbusinesses.com/index.php/revista
ease. Throughout history, commercial transactions have evolved from ancient exchanges
to the present day where time and space barriers have disappeared thanks to the
internet. Thus, anyone anywhere in the world can buy or sell products from other parts
of the world in an instant with just an internet connection.
There are three different types of e-commerce: B2B business-to-business, B2C business-
to-consumer and C2C consumer-to-consumer (Torres Castañeda & Guerra Zavala,
The elimination of intermediaries in e-commerce allows direct interaction between
companies and customers, which improves product or service distribution and reduces
delivery time. This results in significant savings in terms of time and efficiency (Murillo
Silva, 2009).
At the same time, the disappearance of physical forms and the automation of procedures
reduces transaction costs and avoids duplicate orders, resulting in a significant decrease
in operating costs; e-commerce provides a level of convenience, allowing the purchase
of products and services from the comfort of home, as well as access to a wide variety
of offers through a faster and more efficient process.
Startups can take advantage of the benefits of e-commerce to reach a global audience,
increase their visibility and improve their operational efficiency, as well as offer a
personalized and convenient shopping experience to their customers, which leads to an
increase in sales. The effects of the use of e-commerce are reflected in improved quality,
cost reductions and a more perfect competition, facts that finally have a direct impact
on the price of products (González Rodríguez, 2015).
Agricultural products from Ecuador
In Ecuador, the agricultural sector is of great importance for the economy, since it is the
main source of employment in the country, currently representing 29.4% of the
economically active population. In the economic sphere, agriculture is considered one
of the main activities that generates large revenues to the economy of Ecuador. The
participation of this sector in the GDP has made it one of the main pillars of the national
economy. In 2015, through the implementation of government policies, access to
agricultural inputs was facilitated, which allowed Ecuadorian producers to have a
favorable market (Chuncho et al., 2021).
However, due to the growing population, environmental pollution, land erosion, scarcity
of water, soil and energy, it has become necessary to improve crops and agricultural
processes to achieve a sustainable and profitable activity (Boza et al., 2021). This
particularity has encouraged innovation by including technologies in various aspects of
this sector. Ecuador is a country with an agricultural tradition and a great variety of
crops; among the main products grown and exploited inside and outside the country are
bananas, cocoa and sugarcane.
Banana production is one of the most profitable and widely cultivated crops in Latin
America and the Caribbean. In addition, it is the main agricultural export product in
Ecuador and the main source of economic income in the agricultural sector. The demand
for bananas is based on its quality, which has made it a very popular fruit.