B-Lynch uterine compression technique in post-cesarean hemorrhages

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Jorge Alejandro Pazmiño
Manuel Francisco Valarezo
Hugo Antonio Luna Rodríguez
Cruz Marisol Zerna


The objective of this research was to theoretically describe the importance of the B-Lynch uterine compression suture technique, exposing the main results obtained in the selected articles, applying the methodology of the literature review. The main results of the investigation showed that, the main risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage, were represented by preeclampsia, multiparity and childbirth of first elderly women over 35 years of age; Another of the events in which the studies reviewed coincided was that of the need for hysterectomy in some patients, which ranged from 8.3% in cases of lower incidence, to 40% in investigations where there was a higher prevalence of this intervention. surgical, which was essential to prevent bleeding from causing maternal mortality, that is, when the suture could not stop postpartum bleeding; while the main causes for the application of this method were uterine atony, hemorrhagic shock and coagulopathy consumption. In conclusion, the application of the B-Lynch uterine compression suture technique demonstrated, in most of the selected reference studies, its efficacy in the confrontation of uterine hemorrhage, avoiding maternal mortality in all cases.


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Pazmiño, J. A., Valarezo, M. F., Luna Rodríguez, H. A., & Marisol Zerna, C. (2020). B-Lynch uterine compression technique in post-cesarean hemorrhages. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studie, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.37956/jbes.v4i1.67


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